What kind of life do you live? There comes a time in a real man's life, where he's got to face a choice no matter what. I used to tag myself a street smart, a title I valued more than being a classroom scholar. My unique perspective of life spurged from the school of hard knocks, and deep down inside, am better, having been through what I endured. Our paradigms and cultural conditioning make up the story of our lives. Each has a beginning, a plot and characters. There may even be heroes and villains. Every great story turns on a struggle of some kind , a hero against a villain, a race against time, a character against her conscience, a man against his own limits. The paradigm of creation makes you examine yourself and realize that you have more to offer in terms of creativity and innovation, as well as ability to impact the society in a well defined manner. I believe in fighting as hard as you can against living a mediocre life. Nothing saddens me when I see a man who's...